why do my glofish keep dying

Why Do My GloFish Tetras Keep Dying? 13 Reasons Why & How to Prevent It

Glofish are popular for their vibrant colors and playful demeanor. They can be kept in minimal tanks or even pets in a huge aquarium setup. They are small, easy to care for, and colorful.

The popularity of the Glofish has increased overtime because of their minimal maintenance, luminus color option and appy nature. 

Glofish thrive in clean water and maintain the zeal of your fish tank. But often, they seem to be dying off. This increase has led to their high mortality rate.  

One possible reason for the high mortality rate is that they are susceptible to water temperature changes, specifically those that are sudden. Additionally, they are also vulnerable to parasitic infections and can die from overfeeding. 

In this blog, we will talk about all possible causes of why Glofish keep dying, how to treat the various diseases in Glofish, and how to prevent diseases and early death in Glofish.

Why do my GloFish keep dying?

If you have a Glofish, you know it is simple to care for and fun to watch. Unfortunately, Glofish can also be very sensitive to changes in their environment. 

If their water is not properly balanced or if they don’t get enough food or water, they can die. Here are 10 reasons why your Glofish might be dying:

The number one killer of your pet GloFish…

Stress is the number 1 killer of your pet GloFish.

Stress poses a grave threat not only to humans but also to the delicate balance of fish life. Its detrimental effects often culminate in the untimely demise of aquatic companions. Once stress infiltrates a fish’s environment, its fate becomes sealed, with survival merely a matter of time.

For those new to fish keeping, discerning the cause of a seemingly healthy fish’s death proves to be a perplexing ordeal. Imagine returning home to find all your tank’s inhabitants lifeless, prompting a frantic search for answers. Despite the assumption that recent actions might have triggered the tragedy, the reality may unveil stressors that have silently plagued the fish for weeks.

Stress operates stealthily, akin to a ticking time bomb, complicating the detection of distress signals and leaving beginners oblivious to their pet’s silent struggle. Understanding the common stressors is imperative for ensuring the well-being and longevity of pet fish.

1) Your aquarium wasn’t set up properly

Improper aquarium setup is the number one reason why Glofish keep dying. Many people think that a small tank is perfect for having a Glofish. 

However, this isn’t always true. A well-sized aquarium for a single Glofish should be at least 5 gallons, and it should have plenty of room to swim around. A lot of people also think that Glofish don’t need filters, but isn’t true. Glofish are disease-prone and therefore, a dirty water environment can make them stressed out and sick. 

2) Your aquarium setup doesn’t suit your GloFish

Glofish tetras aren’t high-maintenance pets, but they require an aquarium with enough space to swim around comfortably. Adequate filtration and temperature regulators like an Aqueon heater are also necessary to maintain the optimal tank environment for them. If your aquarium has other inhabitants, make sure they aren’t too aggressive since GloFish thrives better in a peaceful and small group. 

3) Your aquarium is incorrectly sized

Many people who keep Glofish mistakenly believe that a small aquarium is better for the fish. This information is not always true. A small aquarium can be more harmful to a Glofish than a large one. 

A single 5-inch Glofish betta requires a minimum of 5-gallon tank. That means one gallon per inch. And while you are trying to schooling your group Glofish barbs, tetras, and danios you have to arrange a 20 to 30 gallon tank. 

Glofish need room to swim and hide. A small aquarium will not provide enough space for them to do these things, leading to stress and eventually death. 

4) Your GloFish is stressed out

Stress is a common problem for pet Glofish. Glofish are prey animals that are particularly sensitive to stress and can die from it. 

Many of the same factors can stress your Glofish, such as loud noises, sudden changes in water temperature, competition from other fish, and a poor aquarium environment. 

All of these causes can stress out your Glofish. If you’re having trouble keeping your Glofish healthy and happy, try to address the sources of their stress. 

Bring positive changes in the environment, handle the water properly, and prevent keeping your Glofish with other fishes that are aggressive or threatening.

5) You are mixing incompatible fish

When housed with incompatible partners, Glofish can quickly succumb to death. This happens because while compatible pairs can peacefully coexist, the two different species or the nature of fish cannot live together. 

They will constantly battle for dominance. Glofish sharks and Glofish Bettas are incompatible for dwelling in one tank. They are really different in nature. They will fight over food, and can end up harming each other. 

Additionally, if you have a pair of Glofish betta don’t put them with other Glofish species like barbs, tetras, and danios. These three are called fin-nippers and they will do harm to your Glo bettas.

Also don’t keep your fish with large and aggressive ones. It may try to hurt its smaller companion. And if one fish is more aggressive than the other, it will stress you Golfish.

6) You are overfeeding your GloFish

Whether it’s overfeeding or underfeeding both are harmful for Glofish. If you leave your Glofish with limited food it will suffer from malnourishment and end up with low immunity and disease.

On the other hand, overfeeding can also lead to breathing problems, parasites, and even death. That’s why it is important to be mindful of feeding your Glofish. Only provide enough food to maintain their weight and swimming activity.

7) There is bacterial growth in your aquarium 

Bacterial growth in your aquarium can be a leading cause of your Glofish’s early death. The bacteria is most likely caused by the fish waste and organic material that accumulates over time. 

Bacteria feed on these materials and cause a mass of growth, killing the fish. It also causes a foul odor, poor water quality, and disease. Sometimes it becomes so severe that you may need to change the whole aquarium set up. 

So Whenever you notice any signs of bacterial growth in your Glofish aquarium, take steps to address the problem ASAP. 

8) You are not performing regular aquarium maintenance

Lack of aquarium maintenance is the most common reason for Glofish to keep dying. Many people think that cleaning the tank once a week is enough, but this is not enough. 

Dirty water is the obvious cause of mass death of your Glofish. So a properly maintained tank with regular water changes is must for your Glofishs’ health. 

A proper filtration system and temperature control is also mandatory. Additionally, you have to add new gravel and plants every few weeks to keep your fish healthy.

9) Your aquarium has experienced rapid changes in the water parameter 

Glofish are freshwater fish and need a specific set of water parameters to live healthily. When the water parameters change too quickly for a Glofish, it can result in stress and death. Recent studies have shown that rapid changes in water parameters can be deadly to Glofish. 

These changes include high levels of chlorine or other chemicals, low levels of dissolved oxygen, or sudden temperature changes. Changing the aquarium frequently for Glofish is also harmful to Glofish.

10) You killed the beneficial bacteria in your aquarium

The beneficial bacteria in your tank may be killed due to over-cleaning or the application of chlorine, chloramine, medications, or antibiotics. You can detect this by testing the water parameters for the buildup of toxic compounds, such as ammonia and nitrite. Failing to address this issue immediately will disrupt the nitrogen cycle in the tank, thus making your fish more susceptible to diseases and eventual death. 

11) Your GloFish experienced rough travel

Proper fish care extends beyond the tank. If you are transporting your GloFish tetras for any reason, ensure that you will minimize the stress and trauma throughout the process. Avoid jostling them around or placing them in containers for long durations or with too many companions. These conditions can weaken their immune system and cause physical injuries, both of which may contribute to why your GloFish keeps dying. 

12) Your GloFish are old

One potential reason that can cause your Glofish’s death is it becomes aged. An average Glofish’s lifespan is 4 years. Glofish sharks can live upto 8 years.

But unfortunately, most Glofish die within a year. When Glofish reach adulthood, they naturally start to die off. But sometimes, Glofish can age quickly and die. 

There are a few ways to tell if your Glofish is aging, including changes in their color, shape, size, and behavior. If you notice any of these changes, it’s time to check up on your fish. Help it with special attention. 

13) Your GloFish have a disease or parasite

Glofish are susceptible to several diseases or parasites that can kill them. Some of the more common diseases or parasites that Glofish can contract. The symptoms includes ripped and ragged fins, inflammation, and bloating

Glofish can also be affected by other diseases, such as fin rot disease and columnaris. Aquarium owners should be aware of the dangers posed by these parasites and diseases and take steps to prevent them from affecting their Glofish mortality.

Treatment for diseases in GloFish

Diseases in Glofish can be treated with a variety of treatments, depending on the type of disease and the severity. 

For example, diseases such as white spots and Ich can be treated with antibiotics, while diseases such as dropsy may require surgery to remove the affected organs. 

Glofish owners should consult with their local fish store or veterinarian to determine the best treatment for their particular Glofish.

How to prevent your GloFish from dying 

Prevention is always the best medicine. And this is especially true when it comes to keeping Glofish healthy. 

There are several ways to prevent disease and early death in Glofish. Follow these simple tips to keep your fish healthy and disease-free: 

Keep a Clean Tank

Regularly clean your tank with a gravel vacuum cleaner and water change. This will help to prevent disease and improve water quality. 

Feed Your fish the correct amount

Glofish need fresh, clean food and a moderate diet. Maintain a two-time a day feeding schedule. Strictly restrict overfeeding of your fish. 

Get a good mate for your GloFish

Glofish are calm. They are non-aggressive and playful. So mate them with fish with the same personality. That can be Hillstream Loach, Pleco, Ricefish, and Minnows. 

Control the water parameters

Check your fish tanks’ water quality regularly. And make sure the temperature, acid-alkaline balance, and oxygen level are optimum. 

Proper bacteria and parasite control

Whenever you notice your Glofish is affected by parasite or bacteria, be alert and replace your fish and treat it separately.Use a good antibacterial solution and parasite control solution to your tank. And make sure the risk is completely gone. And do the check-up every month. 

Besides these, choosing the right tank with a good setup is also necessary from the first time you get a Glofish. Treat your Glofish well, and keep it happy for a long life for your Glofish.

Keep your GloFish alive and healthy

Glofish are the most vibrant species of fish. They are small, low-maintenance fish that can be kept in any aquarium. With few of them you can turn your aquarium into a carnival. 

Besides being minimal to keep, Glofish are sensitive and commonly prone to diseases and premature death. So you have to keep the Glofish in a clean and healthy aquarium environment. 

Providing your Glofish with fresh food and water and avoiding exposure to other diseases will greatly help in reducing your Glofish death rate.

FAQs about GloFish Tetras dying

Are GloFish hard to keep alive?

Keeping your GloFish alive is not difficult, provided they live in the right conditions and with adequate care. Choose an appropriately sized fish tank to avoid overcrowding. Maintain water quality through regular testing.

We recommend using smooth substrates since they have delicate fins. Adding a few decorations and plants in your tank will help keep them engaged with the environment. Feeding GloFish tetras is best done in multiple small portions of high-quality fish food throughout the day.

Why are my GloFish dying but the water is fine?

Water quality is only one of the factors that you must keep an eye on. Your tank setup can spell the difference between life and death for them. Insufficient space, unstable water temperature, and incompatible tank companions can compromise their general wellbeing.

Further, the water might seem fine the last time you checked, but if you fail to notice and replace evaporated water, expect the resulting chemical imbalance in the water to impact the health of your GloFish tetras negatively. 

Why did my GloFish die after water change?

GloFish may die due to seemingly minor variables influenced by a water change in the tank. For instance, if the new water is not at a similar temperature as the existing tank water, your GloFish will experience undue stress.

Things can take a turn for the worse if you opt to use untreated tap water. Another common answer for why your GloFish keeps dying is the distress from being moved out and then returned to the tank. Be patient and observe your aquatic pets closely for any signs of discomfort or injury.